Friday, April 2, 2010

Friends & Lovers

Last weekend, my husband, Eric, and I traveled to Joshua Tree to celebrate his birthday. We were joined by several good friends who decided to join in the revels. We stayed at the Harmony Motel, which is always cool because it makes us think of how U2 stayed there too. Plus, we had two musicians among us so it seemed apropos. We ended up having a chamber music rock session in the Kerouac Cabin one night, which was just rad.

In any case, these are the two shots that I'm so grateful I got that weekend. Bistro 29 (the only gourmet digs in town) happened to have this large blow-up of an oil painting for a wall, so we decided to play. Eric et al got up in front of it and started making crazy around closing time, so I started shooting.

For this one, I said, "Now give me 'cast of the next WB teen drama.'" They SO nailed it!

I couldn't resist giving them bunk names & personae. From left to right, I've decided they are:
Sandra, the sophisticated Bohemian
Marco, the "nice guy" musician
Jesse, the athlete with some attitude
Myra, the whimsical dreamer
Krysta, the coy temptress

And for the next shot, I got into the mix and we had the hostess take it. I think we look like the Joshua Tree Playhouse Players.

It's quite possible that you'd have to know all these folks (and love them) to appreciate how amazing these photos are, but to me they are priceless. I can't wait to look back on them in 10 years!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lucky 7

It was my nephew's, Joshy's, 7th Birthday this weekend, and Eric and I had a great time at the party. It was themed SpongeBob, and there was many a game & activity. Here are my favorite captures of the day.

Joshy, being a rock star to a SpongeBob song.

Mikey (my other nephew) chasing bubbles.
I LOVE the sheer, unadulterated joy of this picture... I've rarely seen him look that way.

Seriously, Joshy was having trouble staying in his skin during the piñata. He could not contain! And this pic captures that really well.

Of course, the crowning moment!

Here's hoping that he has many more Birthdays, and that each one is as blessed and joyous as this one. I hope all the time in-between is good too!!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Having just gotten back from Costa Rica about 12 hours earlier (pictures forthcoming), Eric and I headed out to Jillian's on Citywalk Saturday afternoon. It was time to celebrate the big 30 for our friend, Ven. Sadly, I was suffering from residual sinus irritation after being sick in CR and breathing airplane air for 7 hours. So, I was a little quieter than normal. Nevertheless, it was a good time. I was lucky to break 50 in the bowling game I did play, and the rest of the time I spent chatting with friends and chomping on mozzarella sticks. Oh yeah... and taking pictures. Here are a few of my faves.


The birthday Girl, looking good!

Abe & Ven

Girlz with Technologie!

Capturing faces.

Trick candles

Monday, October 26, 2009

Let me in the sound

Sadly, I'm not at press pass status yet, so I had to sport the G9 to last night's historic U2 360 concert at the Pasadena Rose Bowl. It was a phenomenal show, and I know that they pulled out some stops for the YouTube stream. We got to see Slash come out and play "Sweet Child of Mine" with the Black Eyed Peas, we got to see volunteers from Amnesty International take the stage is support of Aung San Suu Kyi, and we were personally greeted by a kindly astronaut up at the International Space Station. All of that is to say nothing of the awesome set list, which masterfully covered hits from a slew of albums.

I'd never seen U2 live, and I'd always wanted to. Now, I can put a check next to one more thing on the bucket list.

Thanks for all the music, guys!


ps: When is the Nobel committee going to give Bono his prize?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nic & Zen Wedding

In early October, I shot the wedding of two of my favorite people in a beautiful Old World-style location called Beau Rivage, in Malibu. Despite a really bad spill in which I damaged my 70-200 lens, the day (and the shoot) were a raging success. I am so happy for these wonderful people, and I'm humbled and honored that I was able to capture memories for them.

Visit here for the whole show, and see below for a few highlights. Click the images to view them at full res.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


My uncle died today. He was an incredibly humble man, whose immeasurable riches were not to be found in his house, but in his heart and family. I am so grateful that I spent last New Year's with him and the rest of my family in Costa Rica. Tío Daniel and his amazing family were a such an inspiration to me. I hadn't seen them in over fifteen years, and they taught me so much in the short amount of time I spent with them.

Tío, I'm so glad I get to remember you this way.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Day in the Park

A few weeks back, I had the pleasure of photographing the most adorable family out in Elysian Park. It was only an hour-long shoot, but it was ridiculously fun. To think... it all came out of a chance encounter at Fatty's Restaurant in Eagle Rock. They were sitting a few tables away, and I couldn't help but go hand them a card because they were SO CUTE! Seriously, this kid is not only handsome, but totally charming and well-mannered.


Henry, mid-flight.

Henry, discovering the joys of being a Superman.

Henry with his beautiful mom.