Monday, July 21, 2008

Big Sur/Santa Cruz Highlights

I've been out of LA and up in NorCal for the past five days or so, and I've been spending lots of time taking pictures. There are too many to post all of them, but here are some highlights.

Redwoods are TALL! (Fernwood Camp, Big Sur)

This was at Pfeiffer Beach in Big Sur. There was something very "Romantic American Explorer" about this guy with his dogs.

The moon after the fire (in Big Sur).

Dawn from Cafe Kevah (Big Sur). I love how watercolor-y this one looks.

Flying this kite made me feel like I could fly (Pfeiffer Beach).

Boogie boarder at Natural Bridges Beach, Santa Cruz.

You'd think these guys were an ad! (Santa Cruz)

This just reminded me of a zen circle. I loved that it was jut there in the sand at Natural Bridges.

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