Saturday, August 23, 2008

Oh... and Big Sur!

Okay... so I forgot to include this shot in my last post, but this was also taken at Tools for Peace. The kids figured out that they could hand feed one of the squirrels up there, and let me tell you... that little guy (dubbed Jimmy Junior) is all set for the Winter! But seriously, isn't this so cute!!! It's so cute and sweet, it kills me! I look at this shot and think about the nature of giving and generosity. I think of our interdependence with the natural world around us. It just takes on so many meanings for me.

And speaking of the natural world... Here's a shot of the sun through the trees up in Big Sur.

We stayed at the Riverside Campgrounds, which (to be frank) were a little disappointing. Nevertheless, we had a good time. We went horseback riding at Andrew Molera State Park, we ate at Nepenthe, and we spent a day at Pfeiffer Beach. I did my first bit of rock climbing with a camera on my back that day at the beach. I was very proud of myself! (Even though my quads are still recovering!)

In an ironic turn, we still didn't get to dine at Cielo. Apparently, two weeks after the Big Sur fires were out, Cielo had an electrical problem that caused one quarter of the restaurant to burn. How weird is that?! So, we were foiled again. But if Cielo comes back, we'll be there in the name of Sterling!!!

1 comment:

Emmy's Mommy said...

wait, wha....

you went to Big Sur?

without us...?


jk... sounds like you had another wonderful time