Monday, October 13, 2008

More of the Fire

I actually had to brave the roads today for a corporate shoot this afternoon. What a creepy experience. There's just a general vibe of "something's wrong" in the air, even when the sky looks clear. On the way back from the shoot, I decided to see if I could document some of the weirdness.

This is the La Tuna onramp to the 210, cordoned off with yellow tape.

This is the westbound 210 as I looked back towards La Crescenta. It's strange to imagine a freeway in Los Angeles looking like this in the middle of the day.

Eastbound and westbound 210, photographed from above the La Tuna Canyon off-ramp.

Here are another couple of views of the deserted freeway. So creepy... especially if you're a native Angeleno and know what these normally look like. It's like a scene from 28 days later.

This last one was taken on the Rosemont Bridge overlooking the 210. There was some serious grating, and I couldn't get passed all the interference in the foreground here. However, you can see that no one was on the highway except for fire personnel.

I really wonder whether I'll be able to make it to work on time tomorrow.

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