Saturday, August 29, 2009


I had a photo date yesterday with a student of mine. We had originally planned to drive out to Red Rock, but given the fires and scorching temperatures we opted for heading towards the coast. As we were cruising over the hills of Las Virgenes, we spotted an evocative set of seemingly abandoned structures and decided to go exploring. They didn't disappoint. For my part, I felt half like I was walking into the real life version of Blair Witch and have like I was violating the sanctity of someone else's past, seeing into things that I shouldn't be seeing. Ultimately, however, it was peaceful there, and solemn.




Entryway into the living room.

Bedroom windows.

Falling ceiling.

After the abandoned houses, we continued on to Matador Beach. Sadly, the tide was coming in and we didn't have enough beach left to walk upon. As a result, we ended up with very sloshy feet, but we still had a good time.

Here's Gabi at Matador Beach.

Our wet feet.

There's my girl doing her thing.

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