Sunday, August 30, 2009

State of Emergency

Eric and I live in La Crescenta, and it's been a truly surreal few days with all of the fires. We watched as flames appeared on the ridge above our house, and continued to watch as they descended toward La Cañada and us. Yesterday, I went driving around the immediate area and couldn't believe how low the fire had gotten in multiple places. It's almost as if rivulets of fire have been flowing down any available canyon towards the city.

Ash is snowing all around us. The sky looks like a CGI effect from a Star Trek episode. It's unrecognizable as Earth's atmosphere. Our lungs are heavy from three days of breathing smoke.

Mostly, my thoughts are with those on the front lines. I've watched as tens of planes and helicopters have battled the blaze in at least five locations, and it's still only 5% contained. I think about how harrowing it must be to fly under those conditions. I think about the men and women on the ground, who are the only line of defense after nightfall. To be honest, I feel almost guilty that they're out there risking life and limb while I sleep. I think about their families' concern.

Right now, I hope for whatever conditions necessary to abate this inferno. I hope no one has to lose their home, and more importantly that no one loses their life.

View from Flanders & Encinas on Thursday night.

An example of the height of the flames. This was taken from the La Cañada movie theatre parking lot.

Valiant pilot.


View of the Tujunga area fire mushroom cloud.

The next time there's a ballot measure asking for increased taxation to support our fire department, I'm voting for it. I've always done so anyway, but it seems all the more urgent now.

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